Employment and Affiliations

Dean of the Honors College, University of Tulsa, 2023-present

Professor of Philosophy, University of Tulsa, 2023-present

Newbigin Interfaith Fellow, 2022-2024

Peter and Bonnie McCausland Faculty Fellow in the College of Arts and Sciences, 2022-2023

University of South Carolina, Associate Professor, Philosophy Department, 2020-present

Institute of Human Ecology at the Catholic University of America, Faculty Fellow, 2019-present

University of South Carolina, Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, 2013-2020

University of Chicago, Collegiate Division Assistant Professor of Humanities and Harper Schmidt Fellow, 2012-13



University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D. in Philosophy, 2012

Indiana University, Bloomington, B.A., magna cum laude in Philosophy and Medieval Studies; minor in Classics, 2000


Areas of Specialization

Virtue, Moral Psychology, Action, Ethics, History of Ethics


Areas of Competence

 Philosophy of Religion, Law, Education, and Art



Edited Volumes

  1. Self-Transcendence and Virtue: Perspective from Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology (edited with Candace Vogler), Routledge, 2018.

  2. Practical Truth (edited with Christopher Frey), under contract, Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2024.

  3. Practical Wisdom, under contract, Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2024.


  1.  “Vision, Attention, and Practical Wisdom” in Practical Wisdom, Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2024.

  2. “The Future of the Humanities in Higher Education” Chronicle e-book [title TBD]. Forthcoming March 2-24.

  3. “Malick on Martyrdom: A Hidden Life” in Faith and Film: Modern Cinema and the Struggle to Believe, edited by Micah Watson and Carson Holloway. Lexington Books, 2024: 189-202.

  4. “Anscombe on the Voluntary Character of Negligence,” in Teleological Structures in Human Life, Routledge, November, 2022.

  5. “Possessing Oneself: The Moral Psychology of Temperance,” in Neglected Virtue, edited by Glen Pettigrove and Christine Swanton, Routledge, 2021: 208-230.

  6. “Revisiting Modern Moral Philosophy,” Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 87, 2020: 61-83.

  7. “Anscombe on Practical Knowledge and the Good,” Ergo 6 (39) 2019: 1121-1148.

  8. “Neo-Aristotelian Ethical Naturalism,” in The Cambridge Companion to Natural Law Ethics, edited by Tom Angier, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming, August 2019.

  9. “Happiness as the Constitutive Principle of Action in Thomas Aquinas” Philosophical Explorations, edited by Matthias Haase and Erasmus Mayr, Volume 22 (2), April, 2019.

  10. “Against Autonomy: Why Practical Reason Cannot be Pure,” Manuscrito, edited by David Horst and Sergio Tenenbaum, 41 (4), 2018: 159-193.

  11. “Aquinas on Sin, Self-Love, and Self-Transcendence,” in Self-Transcendence and Virtue: Perspectives from Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology, edited by Jennifer A. Frey and Candace Vogler, Routledge, 2018.

  12. “How to be an Ethical Naturalist” in Philippa Foot on Goodness and Virtue, edited by John Hacker-Wright, Palgrave MacMillan, 2018, 47-84.

  13. “G.E.M. Anscombe on the Analogical Unity of Intention in Perception and Action” (with Christopher Frey), Analytic Philosophy, 58:3, September 2017, 202-247.

  14. “Notice: Virtue, Happiness, and Meaning in Life” (with Candace Vogler) in Philosophical News (12) June 2016.

  15. “Critical Notice: The Capacious and Consistent Mind of Elizabeth Anscombe,”International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 24:2, March 2016, 252-262.

  16. “Was Leibniz an Egoist?” in The Journal of the History of Philosophy, vol. 54, no. 4 (2016) 601-624.

  17. “Analytic Philosophy of Action: A Very Brief History” in Philosophical News (7), November, 2013, 50-58.

Works in Progress

  1. “On Doing the Truth”

  2. “Practical Knowledge and Double Effect” 

  3. “Aesthetic Cognitivism: A Manifesto”

  4. “What Virtue Theorists can learn from Newman on Conscience”

  5. “Philosophy and Theology in a Disenchanted Age”

  6. “A Hidden Life: On Martydom in Art”

Book Reviews

  1. Review of Kieran Setiya, “Life is Hard”, forthcoming in The Wall Street Journal, November 2022.

  2. Review of David Wiggins, “Solidarity and the Root of the Ethical” in Philosophy 97 (3): 407-412, August 2022

  3. Review of Zena Hitz, Lost in Thought: The Hidden Pleasures of the Intellectual Life, Law and Liberty, July 2020.

  4. Review of David McPherson, ed., Spirituality and the Good Life: Philosophical Approaches, Philosophy, 94 (2), 2019: 347-351.

  5. Review of Kevin Flannery, S.J. Action and Character According to Aristotle: The Logic of the Moral Life, The Thomist, 82 (4), October, 2018: 647-651.

  6. Review of James Doyle, No Morality, No Self: Anscombe’s Radical Skepticism, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 9.29.2018

  7. Review of Julia Peters, ed., Aristotelian Ethics in Contemporary Perspective, Journal of Moral Philosophy, 13 (3), 2016.

  8. Review of Eric Wiland, Reasons, Ethics, 126 (1), October 2015.

  9. Review of Stephen Brown, Moral Virtue and Human Nature: A Defense of Ethical Naturalism, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 17 (2009): 758-762. 

Fellowships, Awards, and Grants

  1. Project Member (5K), “The Art of Understanding,” Templeton Religious Trust.

  2. ACPA Outreach Grant, (4.8K).

  3. Humanities Grant, Office of the Provost (10K), “Action, Virtue, and Human Goodness,” Spring, 2018.

  4. Co-PI of grant (2.1 million), “Virtue, Happiness, and Meaning of Life,” John Templeton Foundation, 2015-2017.

  5. Associate Member, DFG Netzwerk grant, “Praktisches Denken und Gutes Handeln,” 2012-present. 

  6. Travel Grant, University of Pittsburgh, 2012, 2008.

  7. Provost Development Dissertation Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh, 2009-10.

  8. Travel Grant, University College Dublin, March 2009.

  9. Andrew Mellon Dissertation Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh 2008-09.

  10. Faculty of Arts and Sciences Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh 2006-07.

  11. Teaching Fellow Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh, 2003-2006, 2007-08.

  12. Andrew Mellow Predoctoral Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh, 2002-03.

Talks (* denotes invited)

  1. “Weber, Newman, and the Fate of Theology in a Disenchanted Age” Oriel College, Oxford, September 2022.

  2. “The Voluntary Character of Negligence” Keynote Address, American Maritain Association, DeSales University, April 2022.

  3. “Weber, Newman, and the Fate of Philosophy in a Disenchanted Age” Calvin University Philosophy Department Colloquium Series*, March 2022

  4. “Weber, Newman, and the Fate of Theology in a Disenchanted Age” Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam* (moved online due to COVID restrictions

  5. “Aesthetic Cognitivism: A Manifesto,”  given as participant in “Art Seeking Understanding,” an interdisciplinary grant project sponsored by The Templeton Religious Trust at George Washington University*, December 2021

  6. “Attention, Vision, and Practical Wisdom,” Institute for Human Flourishing Conference, October 2021

  7. “Anscombe on Negligence” University of Cape Town, Philosophy Faculty Colloquium*, May 2021

  8. “Anscombe on Negligence” Angelicum, Rome, Philosophy Faculty Colloquium Series*, May 2021

  9. “Anscombe on Negligence” Florida State University, Describing Human Action Conference*, April 2021

  10. “Human Flourishing, Sacrifice, and Suffering,” ISME conference (online), August 2020.

  11. “Iris Murdoch and Flannery O’Connor on Vision, Transcendence, and Morality.  University of Scranton, Humanities Forum, March 2020.

  12. “Iris Murdoch on Literature and Philosophy” University of Chicago, February 2020.

  13. “Human Flourishing, Sacrifice, and Suffering” keynote address, Jubilee Centre Annual Conference, Oriel College, Oxford, January 2020.

  14. “Elizabeth Anscombe on Negligence” ACPA annual meeting, November 2019.

  15. “Aquinas and Anscombe on Action” University of Houston, Center for Thomistic Studies, September 2019.

  16. “Virtue and the Common Good,” Bamberg Universitat, July 2019

  17. “Virtue and the Common Good,” Università degli Studi di Udine*, July 2019.

  18. “Anscombe on Practical Truth,” University of Pennsylvania*, April 2019.

  19. “Modern Moral Philosophy” Revisited,” Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture*, February 2019.

  20. “Aquinas on Temperance and the Common Good,” Blackfriars Oxford*, January 2019.

  21. “Aquinas on Happiness,” Duke University*, November 2018.

  22. “Being Good is Doing the Truth,” Columbia University*, October 2018.

  23. “Doing the Truth,” Universität Leipzig*, July 2018

  24. “Self-Transcendence and the Meaning of Life,” Coastal Carolina University*, Jackson Family Center for Ethics and Values, April 2018.

  25. “Is Ethical Naturalism a Natural Law Theory?” Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, April 2018.

  26. Temperance: Self-Control as Self-Transcendence, New York University-Abu Dhabi*, March 2018.

  27. “Virtue and Meaning of Life,” Keynote speaker, Muslim-Christian workshop on philosophy, religion, and science, American University of Sharjah, March 2018.

  28. “Virtue and Happiness,” Keynote speaker, Muslim-Christian workshop on philosophy, religion, and science, American University of Sharjah*, March 2018.

  29. “GEM Anscombe and the Analogical Unity of Perception and Action,” workshop on action and perception, University of Chicago*, May 2018.

  30. “What does action theory have to do with ethics?” Keynote speaker for conference on Elizabeth Anscombe, University of Notre Dame*, January 2018.

  31. “Walker Percy and Southern Thomism,” Eastern Division APA (Savannah)*, January 2018.

  32. “Practical Reason and Practical Truth,” University of Pittsburgh, May 2017.

  33. “Self-Love and Self-Transcendence”, Keynote speaker for workshop on Happiness and Meaning in Life, University of Stockholm*, May 2017.

  34. “The Importance of Practical Truth,” Workshop on Practical Truth, University of South Carolina, April 2017.

  35. “Practical Knowledge and Practical Wisdom,” Oxford University, January 2017.

  36. “Practical Knowledge and Practical Wisdom,” Working group meeting for “Virtue, Happiness, and Meaning of Life,” University of South Carolina, December 2016.

  37. “Action, Practical Knowledge and the Good,” Workshop on Anscombe’s Intention, Florida State University*, December 2016.

  38. “How To Be An Ethical Naturalist,” Baylor University*, November 2016.

  39. “Temperance: Self-Control as Self-Transcendence,”Annual Meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, San Francisco, November 2016.

  40. “Action, Practical Knowledge, and the Good,” Tulane University*, September, 2016

  41. “Action, Practical Knowledge, and the Good,” Universität Leipzig*, July 2016.

  42. “Aquinas on Sin and Self-Love,” Working group meeting for “Virtue, Happiness, and Meaning of Life,” University of Chicago, June 2016.

  43. “Aquinas on Sin and Self-Love,”Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris, June 2016.

  44. “Aquinas on Sin and Self-Love,” Center for Philosophy of Religion, University of Notre Dame*, May 2016.

  45. “Practical Knowledge and Double Effect,” Workshop on Negligence, Omissions, and Responsibility,” University of Birmingham*, UK, March 2016.

  46. “Happiness and Constitutivism in Thomas Aquinas,” Working group meeting for “Virtue, Happiness, and Meaning of Life” project, University of South Carolina, December 2015.

  47. “Action, Practical Knowledge, and the Good,” Northwestern University*, October 2015.

  48. “Action, Practical Knowledge, and the Good,” University of Tennessee-Knoxville, September 2015.

  49. “How To Be An Ethical Naturalist,”University of Auckland*, August 2015.

  50.  “Aquinas on the Distinction between Animate and Inanimate,” Mt. St. Mary College*, June 2015.

  51. “Anscombe on Practical Reason” American Catholic Philosophical Association Meeting*, October 2014.

  52. “How To Be An Ethical Naturalist”  Workshop on Philippa Foot’s ethical naturalism*, CSMN-Oslo, September 2014.

  53. “Against Autonomy” Universität Leipzig*, July 2014.

  54. “Against Autonomy” Yongsei University*, June 2014

  55. “Against Autonomy” Saint Louis Annual Conference on Reasons and Rationality (SLACRR) St. Louis, May 2014

  56. “Practical Knowledge and Double Effect” University of Notre Dame*, March 2014

  57. “Nature, Virtue, and Happiness” Franciscan University Steubenville*, September 2013

  58.  “Why Freedom Requires Nature” Mt. St. Mary College*, June 2013

  59.  “How Universal Are Practically Rational Norms?” Franke Institute for the Humanities, University of Chicago, May 2013

  60.  “What is a Practically Rational Animal?”  University of Chicago*, University of South Carolina*, February 2013.

  61.  “Natural and Practical Normativity” Franke Institute for the Humanities, University of Chicago, October 2012

  62. “Was Leibniz an Egoist?” Early Modern Workshop*, University of Chicago, October 2012

  63.  “How To Be An Ethical Naturalist” Boston College, Mt. St. Mary’s University, Johns Hopkins University, February 2012

  64.  “Involuntary Rationality?” Virtue, Action, and Reason, University of Chicago, April 2011

  65. “The Relevance of Animality to Ethics” University College Dublin, March 2009

  66. “Two Assumptions About Norms” Universiteit Amsterdam, August 2008

Non-Academic Lectures, Presentations, and Seminars

  1. Seminar on Dante’s Indiana, Collegium Institute, October 2022

  2. “What is Happiness?” Asbury University, October 2022

  3. “Valuing Friendship,” Lewis House, University of Kentucky, October 2022

  4. “Happiness and Virtue: Re-reading the Scarlet Letter” Covenant Classical School, Dallas, October 2022

  5. “Education as Learning How to See” Saint Constantine School, July 2022

  6. “The Cardinal Virtues” College of William and Mary, Thomistic Institute lecture, April 2022

  7. “Are the Humanities in Crisis?” Participant in panel Discussion, Catholic University of America, April 2022.

  8. “The Search for Happiness: Wisdom from Aquinas and the Classical Tradition” Auburn University, Thomistic Institute lecture, March 2022.

  9. “Walker Percy: Philosopher, Novelist, Catholic” Lumen Christi Institute, University of Chicago

  10. “Walker Percy on the Pursuit of Happiness in Apocolyptic Times” Lumen Christi Institute, Ruth Lake Country Club, Catholic Culture Series on “Catholic Literary Heritage”, Lumen Christi Institute, Hindsdale, IL

  11. Comments on paper at Central APA Division on session titled “Metaethics II”, February 2022

  12. “Flannery O’Connor’s Hillbilly Thomism.”  This was a six part online salon, each salon unique in content and lasting three hours, where I led a discussion of her fiction and essays.  From January 2022-July 2022.

  13. “Weber, Newman, and the Fate of Philosophy and Theology in a Disenchanted Age,” online lecture, Morninside Institute, Columbia University.

  14. “Friendship: Ancient, Contemporary, and Modern Perspectives,” Texas A&M, November 2021.

  15. “Higher and More Loveable: The Nature and the Importance of the Common Good” Regent University, October 2021

  16. Yale Political Union Guest.  Resolution: Universities Should Teach Values not Skills, September 2021.

  17. “Virtue and Happiness,” Norwegian Philosophy Week, July 2021

  18. “On Mentorship in the Academy” AEI Faculty Retreat, San Diego, July 2021

  19. “Natural law and Virtue” Undergraduate Leadership Retreat, Thomistic Institute, Dominican House of Studies, July 2021

  20. “Contemplation and Friendship” Undergraduate Leadership Retreat, Thomistic Institute, Dominican House of Studies, July 2021

  21. Graduate Seminar on Attention, Contemplation, and Perception, Catholic University of America, June 2021

  22. “United by their Loves: Deciphering Augustine’s Understanding of a People,” Lumen Christi Institute (online panel), May 2021

  23. “What is the Purpose of Life? Classical and Contemporary Answers” Eastern Kentucky University Chautaauquaa Lecture Series (online), April 2021

  24. “From Rust Belt to Rome: The Conversion of a Working Class Atheist,” Hank Center Loyola Chicago (online), March 2021

  25. “The White Rose,” Plough Publishings (online panel), March 2021

  26. “The University in the time of Covid-19,” IHE (online panel), February, 2021

  27. “Illiberal Feminism: A Discussion with Leah Libresco,” Plough Publishing (online), December 2020

  28. “Fratelli Tutti: Engaging Pope Francis’s New Encyclical,” Lumen Christi Institute (online panel), October 2020

  29. “Friendship and Happiness: Insights from Aristotle and Aquinas” Thomistic Institute (online), October 2020

  30. “Hillbilly Thomism: Flannery O’Connor’s Vision of Grace,” Thomistic Institute, DHS, October 2020

  31. Seminar on Flannery O’Connor’s The Violent Bear It Away, July 2020

  32. “Christianity in Times of Crisis,” webinar, Lumen Christi Institute, June 2020

  33. “Imagination, Solitude, and the Oddities of Life,” webinar Collegium Institute, June 2020

  34. “Virtue and the Good Life” President’s Lecture, Mt. Mercy University, March 2020

  35. Flannery O’Connor and the Vision of Grace, University Club of Chicago, February 2020

  36. What is Happiness, Veritas Forum, University of Chicago, February 2020

  37. Character and Virtue in the Academy, Augustine Collecture Annual Conference, January 2020

  38. Invited discussant, NOWAR, Tulane University, November 2019.

  39. TBA, Berry College, Lumen Lecture, October  2019.

  40. “Elizabeth Anscombe on Living the Truth,” Collegium Institute, April 2019.

  41. “Are We Really Happy?” Veritas Forum, Vanderbilt University, March 2019.

  42. Seminar on Aquinas, Thomistic Institute,Brown University, March 2019.

  43. “On Moral Truth,” Thomistic Institute, Brown University, March 2019.

  44. Commentator for plenary session of The South Carolina Society of Philosophy, March 2019.

  45. “The Catastrophe of the Self: Walker Percy on Sin and Transcendence,” The Catholic Information Center, Washington, DC, December 2018.

  46. “On Sin and Evil,” Thomistic Institute, UT-Austin, September 2018

  47. Elizabeth Anscombe on Living the Truth,” public lecture for the Lumen Christi Institute, University of Chicago, May 2018.

  48. “Aquinas on Sin, Suffering, and Evil,” Thomistic Institute, University of Maryland College Park.

  49. “Goals: Life Hacks or Moral Virtues?” Veritas Forum, Yale, April 2018.

  50. Virtue and Happiness, guest lecturer in graduate seminar, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, February 2018.

  51. Comments on Russell Devlin, “Developmentalism and Practical Knowledge,” Eastern Division Meeting APA (Savannah), January 2018.

  52. “Quid Est Veritas? On Truth and the Moral Life,” Thomistic Institute, University of South Carolina, October 2017.

  53. “Quid Est Veritas? On Truth and the Moral Life,” Thomistic Institute, Tulane University, October 2017.

  54. Participant and presenter, workshop on distributivism, Wake Forest University, August 2017.

  55. Faculty leader for summer seminar, “Virtue, Happiness, and Meaning of Life,”  University of Chicago, June 2017.

  56. Commentator on Anselm Mueller’s “Is Anscombe’s Practical Truth a Chimera?”, University of South Carolina, April 2017.

  57. Participant in panel debate, “Happiness Without Religion?” NYU Catholic Center, September 2016.

  58. Virtue, Happiness, and Meaning of Life,” Humanities Day lecture, University of Chicago, Fall 2015.

  59. Faculty leader for summer seminar, “Virtue, Happiness, and Meaning of Life,” University of Notre Dame, June 2016.

  60. Chair for author meets critic session on Richard Kraut’s Against Absolute Goodness, Central Division Meeting APA (Chicago), February 2014

  61. Chair for session on T. M. Scanlon’s “Ideas of the Good in Moral and Political Philosophy” Arizona Workshop in Normative Ethics, University of Arizona, January 2014

  62. Anscombe on Practical Reasoning, guest lecturer in graduate seminar, Florida State University, October 2014

  63. Commentator at Workshop on Practical Knowledge and Wisdom in Aristotle, Aquinas, and Anscombe, Pontifical Gregorian University, June 2012

  64. Commentator at St. Louis Annual Conference on Reasons and Rationality, University of St. Louis-Missouri and Washington University, May 2012

  65. “In Defense of Anscombian Naivete” Dissertation Workshop, University of Pittsburgh, April 2010

  66. Commentator at Pittsburgh/Carnegie-Mellon graduate student conference, 2008

Academic Service

Editorial Board: Ancient Philosophy Today: DIALOGOI

Journal Referee: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, American Philosohical QuarterlyAnalysis, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Ergo, ErkenntnisEuropean Journal of PhilosophyJournal of the American Philosophical Association, Journal of Value Inquiry, Kleiss, Mind, Nous, Philosopher’s ImprintPhilosophical Papers, Philosophical QuarterlyPhilosophical Quarterly of Israel, Res Philosophica, and Social Theory and Practice 

Press Referee: Oxford University Press, 2015-present, Catholic University of America Press, 2015-present, Routledge, 2017. 

Conference Referee: SLACRR (2015-present), Society for Philosophy and Psychology

University of South Carolina:

  1. Member of Faculty Senate, 2022-23

  2. Member of Steering Committee, Humanities Collaborative

  3. Member of Dean’s Advisory Group, 2020-present

  4. Co-organizer of conference, “Anscombe at 100: On Action and Living Well” Athens, Greece, 2019.

  5. Faculty leader for Thomistic Institute Chapter, UofSC (2018-present)

  6. Job search committee member, 2018-present.

  7. Principal organizer of workshop on Practical Truth, 2017. 

  8. Graduate Placement Director, 2017-present.

  9. Faculty Seminar on Values and the Modern University participant, 2016-17. 

  10. COVE (communicating our value effectively) faculty working group member, a college wide initiative to promote the liberal arts on campus, 2016-17. 

  11. Graduate committee member, 2016-present.

  12. Graduate Research Grant Review Committee member, 2015-2017. 

  13. The Job Candidate Mentoring Program for Women in Philosophy, founding member, 2014-2017. 

  14. Undergraduate Committee member, Philosophy Department, 2013-14. 

  15. Editor of USC Philosophy Department Newsletter, 2014-15.

University of Chicago

  1. Principal organizer of workshop, “Practical Knowledge and Practical Wisdom in Aristotle, Aquinas, and Anscombe,” Pontifical Gregorian University, June 2012.

  2. Organizer of symposium, “Irony and Humanity,” University of Chicago, April 2012.

  3. Organizer of symposium, “Aquinas on Evil,” University of Chicago, April 2012.

  4. Co-organizer of conference, “Virtue, Action, and Reason,” University of Chicago, April 2011.

University of Pittsburgh:

  1. Faculty/Student Colloquium Chair, University of Pittsburgh, 2008-2009.

  2. Referee of papers for Pittsburgh/Carnegie-Mellon graduate student conference, 2008-2009.

  3. Job Search Committee member, University of Pittsburgh, 2006-2007.

  4. Librarian, Adolf Grünbaum Reading Room, University of Pittsburgh, 2003-2005.


University of South Carolina

  1. Medieval Philosophy: Fall 2022

  2. Study Abroad Honors: Summer 2019

  3. Honors Medical Ethics: Fall 2018, Spring 2019.

  4. Contemporary Moral Issues, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Fall 2015, and Spring 2017

  5. Moral Theory, Spring 2014, Fall 2018.

  6. Senior Seminar: Reflections on Evil, Fall 2014

  7. Graduate Seminar: Action and Virtue, Fall 2016.

  8. Directed Graduate Independent study: Aquinas on Law, Spring 2019; Wisdom, Fall 2017, Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations, Fall 2015; Action Theory, Spring 2014.

University of Chicago

  1. Human Being and Citizen, Fall, Winter, Spring 2012-13

University of Pittsburgh

As Independent Instructor

  1. Philosophy of Religion, Summer 2010

  2. Introduction to Ethics, Summer 2008, Fall 2007

  3. Introduction to Philosophical Problems, Spring and Summer 2005

As Teaching Assistant

  1. Introduction to Ethics, Spring 2008, Fall 2006, Fall 2003

  2. Political Philosophy, Fall 2005

  3. Introduction to Philosophical Problems (Writing intensive), Spring 2004

Senior Thesis Direction

Director: Sean Wiezscek, David Curlin, Haley McClelland, Caleb Taylor, Benjamin Spencer, Andrew Dunton, Virginia Scott

Committee Member: Mitchell Johanssen, Natalia Alves Dias Martins

Dissertation Committees

Member: John Bauer, Brandon Boesch, Hyun-Jeong Kang, and Adam Omelianchuk

External Member: Michael Regan, Maynooth University, Maximilian Gindorf

MA committees

External Member: Christopher Rowe-Spencer, The University of New South Wales

Advisory Board Membership

The Classic Learning Test

Hildegard College

Human Flourishing Project, Harvard University

Professional Outreach/Public Philosophy

Podcast host, Sacred and Profane Love (55 episodes total)

1. Redemptive Love and Comic Mercy in the Short Stories of Flannery O’Conner March, 2018.

2. Transfiguring Love in The Brothers Karamazov March, 2018.

3. Walt Whitman on Hope and National Character April, 2018.

4. Fantasy, Romance, and Self-Destruction in Gustav Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, April, 2018.

5. Eros and Ecstasy April, 2018.

6. Elena Ferrante on Friendship and the Intellectual Life May, 2018.

7. Boasts of Love in Troilus and Criseyde May, 2018.

8. Sophocles and Tragic Love June, 2018.

9. Revelations of Love in John Steinbeck July, 2018.

10. A Twitch Upon the Thread August, 2018.

11. The Contemplative Realism of Marilynne Robinson September, 2018.

12. Meaning, Murder, and Divine Madness November 2018

13. Jane Austen on the Virtues of Social Life December 2018

14.Walker Percy on Being Lost in the Cosmos May 2019

15. Goethe’s Faust, May 2019

16. King Lear’s Vision, September 2019

17. The Death of a Whisky Priest, October 2019

18. Carrying the Flame, November 2019

19. Love and Lust in Lolita, January 2020

20. Sex, Death, and the Sacred, February 2020

21. Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim, March 2020

22. Love and Longing in the Dystopia, April 2020

23. Lost in Thought, May 2020

24. Reading the Plague in a Plague, June 2020

25. Rilke and Merton on Solitude, October 2020

26. St. Augustine and Beha on Self-Destructive Acts, November 2020

27. Josef Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, November 2020

28. Antigone, December 2020

29. Thomas Manne’s Death in Venice, December 2020

30. Oscar Wilde, February 2021

31. Dante’s Inferno, March 2021

32. David Foster Wallace, March 2021

33. Dante’s Purgatorio, April 2021

34. Dante’s Paradiso, May 2021

35. Jens Peter Jacobsen, June 2021

36. The Realist Poetry of Milosz, June 2021

37. Boethius and John Kennedy Toole, August 2021

38. Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, August 2021

39. Gabriel Marcel’s Thirst, September 2021

40. The Tragic Vision of Eugene O’Neill, October 2021

41. James Baldwin, October 2021

42. Graham Greene’s Heart of the Matter, November 2021

43. The Closing of the American Mind, December 2021

44. Sophocles and the Tragic Abyss, December 2021

45.  On Rescuing Socrates, January 2022

46. On Washington Square, February 2022

47. Cormac McCarthy’s Suttree, March 2022

48.  Crime and Punishment, April 2022

49.  Lucky Per, May 2022

50. The Crisis of the Humanities, July 2022

51.  A Canticle for Leibowitz, July 2022

52. Hillbilly Thomists, September 2022

53. Robert Lowell, September 2022

54. The Scarlet Letter, October 2022

55. Tokien and Virtue Ethics, October 2022

Posts for “The Virtue Blog”

  1. “Why Aquinas?” November, 2015

  2. “Aquinas and the Value of Philosophy” February, 2016

  3. “Anscombe on Belief” September, 2016

  4. “A Framework for Secular Happiness” November, 2016

  5. “Tolstoy on Love and Self-Transcendence” February, 2017

  6. “Boethius on Happiness” March, 2017

  7. “Practical Truth and Virtue” April, 2017

  8. “Racism and Negligence” September, 2017

  9. “Quid Est Veritas?” November, 2017

  10. Gilead’s Visionary Realism” October, 2018

Fordham Institute Writing on Virtue Education

  1. Reconnecting knowledge and virtue, 11.4.21

  2. What is virtue and why does it matter, 11.18.21

  3. Teaching gratitude beyond Thanksgiving, 12.2.21

  4. Civility, democracy, and education, 12.16.21

  5. Mission, vision, and virtue, 1.13.22

  6. On teaching courage, 1.20.22

  7. Classics and Black history, 2.24.22

  8. Literature and Virtue, 4.28.22

  9. Teaching Virtue in a Digital Age 6.30.22

  10. Virtue and Classic Children’s Literature 8.18.22

  11. A Jubilee for Character Education 10.13.22

Non-Academic Essays and Podcasts

  1. Guest on Good Faith Pod, November 2022

  2. Guest on The Veritas Forum podcast, September 2022

  3. “The Somerville Quartet” The Point, April 2022

  4. Guest on “What is X?” Podcast with JEH Smith, March 2022

  5. Guest on “Econ Talk” Podcast, November 2021

  6. “The Universe and the University” The Point, August 2021

  7. “Taking Humanity Seriously” Fare Forward, September 2020

  8. “The Monkish Virtues in Times of Crisis” Law and Liberty, July 2020

  9. “Practical Wisdom and the Limits of Expertise” Breaking Ground, July 2020

  10. “On Reading Literature in Difficult Times” IHE blog, June 2020

  11. “On Malick’s A Hidden Life”, Word on Fire blog, March 2020

  12. “Paris Without Her Cathedral” The Point, April 2019

  13. “How to be Happy in 2019,” podcast guest on Pints for Aquinas, January 2019

  14. “Walker Percy,” podcast guest on The Federalist Radio Hour, December 2018

  15. “Philosophy is Not Self-help” podcast guest for The Veritas Forum, October 2018

  16. Guest on The Lumen Christi Institute podcast, May 2018

  17. “Anscombe on Living the Truth”, The Lumen Christi Institute podcast, May 2018

  18. “#metoo, Sex Pests, and Moral Education” The Point podcast, November 2017

  19. “Is Morality Rational?” Big Questions Online, November, 2016

  20. “Happiness Without Religion?” Thomistic Institute podcast, September 2016

  21. “The Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas” Elucidations podcast, June 2013


French (reading knowledge) 

Latin (reading knowledge) 

German (reading knowledge) 

Italian (reading knowledge)